對於大中華區以及亞洲內MBA program算是我熟而多數留學歐美者比較不熟的部分,這方面有問題的找我就沒錯了
基於本年度申請者再度爆發,大家互相殺伐最後很多人都念不到心儀學校 馬登我特因此發文,提供另一個管道讓大家參考.
大家應該不太清楚, UT-Austin有跟七間商學院簽訂dual degree協議,意即在母校修讀一年後,再到Austin修讀第二年,則可以領有兩地學位.盡享雙校資源. 反之先在Austin後到partner school亦然. 其中Austin在亞洲區partner的兩間學校,一間是我的母校CUHK,香港中文大學.另一間則是北京大學-光華管理學院PKU. 兩間都在local極富資源,並為中國的外企所認可.
1. Gmat有個660以上
2. 工作經驗有個三年以上
3. 還不知道申請結果,但很怕自己在拼殺中敗陣
4. 但是"今年"一定要去念MBA,實在等不及明年
5. 想省錢
第三型 | 成就者、事業型、成就型、實踐型
1.MS不會教social , MBA教妳最多的幾乎都是social
2.MS幾乎沒有career service, MBA教妳最多的幾乎都是Career service
3. Statement 1跟2好像有矛盾阿 ! The truth is, career 跟 Social 離不開關係, 依我的認知是100%正相關.
4.Then you'll ask : "專業"到哪去了? 天下雜誌遠見雜誌都說專業很重要的阿! The truth is, 專業是重要,但專業被人知道更重要,被能夠hire妳的人知道則更更重要,然後在她們面前妳如何表現出我TMD就是比別人厲害是更更更重要. MS don't teach you all these, but MBA do.
Think Small. Think intimate. Think great outdoors. That’s exactly what life at Tuck is all about. The country’s first graduate school of business offers one of the smallest programs among the top 30 schools, with fewer than 250 students in each class. The small class size – coupled with the school’s location in rural Hanover, New Hampshire – results in a close-knit community in which everyone knows everyone else.
身為美國第一家商管類研究生院,塔克商學院有著Top30院校中幾乎最小的班級,一屆僅僅約250人。因為班級小,也因為地處鄉下(Hanover, New Hampshire)讓塔克的MBA班級形成一種同學間彼此都很熟悉的團隊意識。
Academically, Tuck’s MBA program focuses on turning out competent general managers. Most of the first year curriculum consists of core courses in the main management disciplines, with the second year left open for electives. No specific majors are offered. First year students complete most of their coursework in the same study group, which Tuck emphasizes as a way for students to grow closer and develop their teamwork skills. More than the average top program, Tuck is looking for students who demonstrate strong teamwork skills, so make sure that this is a main theme in your Tuck application.
Tuck is also serious about leadership, and one unique part of the first year experience is the Tuck Leadership Forum, which runs throughout the first year. The Forum is a series of mini-courses in topics such as management communication and entrepreneurial management, al designed to help improve students’ leadership skills. Students then complete a team project, such as creating a business plan or doing consulting work for an existing business. The program also provides students with a chance to work closely with faculty and plug into Tuck’s alumni network while still in school.
塔克也很重視領導力。在第一年課程中持續進行的塔克領導力論壇(Tuck Leadership Forum)就是一個與眾不同的體驗。此論壇由一系列的小課程組成,內容包含管理溝通、創業管理等,都是用來培養與增進學生的領導能力。學生最後需要完成一個團隊項目(專案),例如寫出一個創業計畫書或是對已存的事業進行諮詢顧問診斷服務。此作法也提供了在學學生一個與塔克業界校友們面對面合作的機會。
Speaking of the alumni, what Tuck lacks in size is made up for in devotion. Tuck’s alumni have been described by some as fierce in their loyalty to the school and to each other. Tuck touts its alumni’s 60 percent plus annual giving rate as further evidence of this dedication. While the school may not have alum in every company, Tuck students are known to get good results from the alumni they do call upon. In your own application, make sure that you can provide convincing proof that you, too, will be active alum, preferably by demonstrating loyalty to your undergraduate school.
提到校友組織,塔克所缺乏的「人數」恰巧由校友的凝聚力所彌補。 塔克的校友會長久以來都被形容成所有學校畢業校友中對學校以及對彼此間最投入最忠誠的一群人。 每年60%以上的校友捐款(註:不知以何為基準)可以作為一個證明。塔克的校友雖然沒有像其他某些商學院一般,遍佈每一家公司,但是學生們通常可以在有校友任職的公司得到良好的回應。請在你申請的時候確認你能提供具有說服力的證據去證明你也會是一個忠誠、活躍並幫助未來學(師)弟妹的好校友。